Professional Investment Management
There seems to be unlimited choices for investing your cash and securities. Some people enjoy doing it themselves and others do it themselves because they don’t trust anyone else to care as much as they do. Others try one advisor after another without ever finding the one they will be comfortable with long term.
How do you choose? What is most important to you in making that choice?
Highpoint Wealth Advisors may be right for you if you prefer to:
Have a personal relationship with the advisor actually handing your investments and providing advice
Work directly with an experienced professional instead of a 1-800 number
Have your investments professionally managed on an ongoing basis without concern about being sold a product
Work with someone with multiple professional credentials focused on investments and advice instead of sales
Team up with an advisor and firm focused on personal relationships
Work with an advisor who balances your feelings and emotions with analytical financial and economic statistics
Know an advisor that is capable and experienced in working with your legal, accounting, and other advisors as needed
It begins with each of us getting to know one another to see if we are a good fit for you and your family.
Investment Diversification
We all hear about the importance of diversifying your investments but there are many ways to accomplish it. The most important aspect of investing is determining the appropriate diversification strategy for you and your family. Knowing how to choose and manage the investments can determine the risk, volatility, liquidity, income, and growth of your portfolios. Starting with your total invested net worth and then drilling down to each investment account, it starts with how much to invest in each of the three primary asset classes of cash investments, bonds, and stocks. Then, determining how to invest each asset class will further determine the characteristics of your investment portfolio. For example, an account invested in all large growth stocks will have a very different risk profile than one of all large dividend paying stocks. These two examples may perform very differently during different economic periods and either one could become more volatile than the other at different times. It is important to know the difference and when or if to make changes. It is critically important that you and your advisor have a mutual understanding and agreement about diversification strategies that work best for you. We take the time to understand you preferences and design an investment portfolio that meets your objectives and comfort level.